What we do
DOT for HAART is a supportive day home program for homeless individuals requiring assistance with intensive medical treatment and lifestyle stabilization.

This program provides a safe home environment with outreach support, nurse monitoring and periodic physician review. Delivery of required oral, parenteral (SC or IM, not IV) treatments or psychosocial interventions for conditions such as HIV, hepatitis, diabetes, addiction, high risk behaviour or mental illness would be directly observed as necessary, to facilitate adherence and identify complications. Access to existing medical, psychological or social services would be sought and coordinated as necessary, to optimize attendance and minimize duplication. Counselling for lifestyle stabilization, advocacy for housing retention, education regarding the nature of their medical condition and encouragement to decrease HIV, hepatitis and STD transmission risk behaviours are priorities. Attendance incentives would include lunch, shelter (including a limited number of temporary overnight rental accommodations), washroom and shower, laundry and clothing donations, phone and mailing address and constructive social interactions. The overall objective is to promote wellness by the provision of "a sense of belonging and a sense of worth".

The DOT for HAART facility has the capacity for 40 patients to attend on a daily or weekly basis as necessary. All must retain a medical practitioner for ongoing expert management of their medical condition(s) in collaboration with this support program. The following referral criteria are guidelines only, to enhance selection of individuals with greatest need for this high maintenance approach. A recurring history of homelessness should be mandatory, along with significant and long term risk of one or more of:
  1. non-compliance (for required treatment of a major and chronic medical condition including HIV, IDDM and Hepatitis C)
  2. inappropriate health care utilization (including excessive emergency room visits or hospitalizations)
  3. psychosocial dysfunction (such as mental illness, excessive victimization, chaotic lifestyle and/or high risk behaviour including IVDU and sex trade)
The DOT for HAART program has been accepting patient referrals since June 4, 2007, and is located at:

9527 103 Avenue, Edmonton AB T5H 0G8
phone 780 757 3531
(call between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM)


"everyone is equally worthy"